Giorgio Guidi,
a virtually created image, centered on the theme of worldwide migration, 2020, digital animation
Giorgio Guidi (b. 1982, Italy) lives and works in New York City, NY. He holds a BA in Sculpture (2006, Accademia di Carrara, IT).
Since 2009, his work has been widely shown across several countries, in public and private spaces.
His practice involves mixed media and can be defined as cross functional between many disciplines, including design, sculptural installations, performances, music, drawings, photography, and virtual reality. The core of his work revolves around three main chapters: experience, perception, and memory fall.
Among the most prestigious venues his work was presented at The Tate Modern, London UK, ViaFarini, Milan IT, LMCC New York City NY, prestigious show “Musei in Mostra” held at Artissima, Torino IT. His work was shown at Soloway (NYC), FaMa Gallery, Verona (IT), Marianne Boesky (NYC), UGM in Maribor (SI), Foundation Michetti (IT), Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa (IT), Mart Museum, IT.
www.giorgioguidi.com |